Friday, February 15, 2008

Holiday Hangover

I'm punch drunk on love, chocolate, and flowers.
But Laura Crow's essay on Valentine's Day gave me a whole new perspective.
I'm not gonna enjoy my 2 dozen roses any less, but it sure did make me think.
*image via laura crow too (the story totally made sense of why she has so many amazing images of flowers)*


lauracrow said...

oh my goodness! thanks for the mention! i'm exhausted, but finally getting back to my blog reading. and PLEASE do enjoy your roses! we do work super hard and have some stinky, mean customers, but we love it when we make someone happy! hope your heart day was fabulous! xoxo

Lane said...

Wow, what a great story from Laura. I love Valentine's day (I secretly think of it as girls' day) but I never get roses, and we don't even go out to eat anymore because everything is so overpriced, it can kind of ruin it. Thanks to Laura for keeping the pretty flowers coming :)

angie said...

oh dear, i think the essay has made me re-think my dream of a flower shop...sigh. thorns. there are always thorns to think about...

love.boxes said...

This was the reponse I wrote to Laura's post...

It is always amazing to me when I read posts like this how often we are indebted to people who live in our communities. The garbage man that takes away all our trash every week.. what would we do with out them? .. the librarian who helps us find good books to read, the doctors and nurses that are there at their posts every night at the hospital.. just in case. To this list we must add our local flourist who helps us to celebrate, love and even grieve.