Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween Hangover

For breakfast today I had 2 of these: Plus a few other candies totally loaded with sugar sweet goodness. To balance out the sugar overload (as if that could really happen---sugar overload---sheesh), I had one of these sugar free drinks:

Obviously, I'm deviating from my normal Breakfast of Champions. It's good to mix things up a bit every now and then. Keeps me unpredictable.


Unknown said...

i'm totally with you. halloween hangover is the only way to describe what we've got going on over here. and the only cure? more candy.

Lane said...

I've had two snickers, a Reese's and two spice cookies. and that was before 11 a.m. Why should the kids get all the fun?

ash said...

That's my kind of breakfast!!! I had a few punpkin chocolate chip cookies and a DC. LOVE this time of year!

Anonymous said...

It's ironic that the big stainless steel bowl I use to contain my trick-or-treat goodies is the same bowl I use when I'm about to throw up.

Your breakfast is awesome. I had a Red Bull at 9:45, but instead of a peanut butter cup, I had some beef jerky.

kami @ said...

You are too funny!

Dansie Family said...

i have been sneaking candy corn and cinnamon devils every time i am in the kitchen, but when the kids ask for candy first thing in the morning (and every ten minutes for the rest of the day) my answer is of course not. what a mean mom i am. maybe tomorrow i'll let them have a piece or two.

love.boxes said...

I like the previous breakfast of champions better, but I wouln't turn my nose up at this one. You just make me happy sometimes. My neighbors are all into wheat germ and home ground and no preservatives... sometimes I can't take it anymore. Just have donut for pete's sake.. one isn't going to kill you.