Friday, November 16, 2007

Giving Thanks: DVR

Nothing like spending a Thursday night with sister, along with our friends LC, Audrina, and Whitney from The Hills. Then reuniting with Heidi and Tim for the season opener of Project Runway. Thank you, DVR, for accomodating my schedule and letting me catch up with old friends for an hour...or two.


Aimee said...

I'd be lost without my DVR. What did we do before? BTW, did you think LC was going to make up with Heidi? Because I kinda did. Now she's hardcore.

laura said...

Couldn't agree more!

Author said...

i don't have DVR or a blue TV, but you can bet I want them both.

marcie b said...

i can't believe we spent an entire hour together yesterday, and failed to discuss these important issues. it was really fun to see you and hope we get to see eachother more often....then we can talk the hills/project runway.

Laura said...

jamie - it was fun to meet you this summer and now to see your blog! we are hug fans of dvr at our house as well. right now it's providing an episode of hannah montana for my 4 yr old and is the only way ryan and I can watch a show...let alone a game.

have to admit...I was hoping to see some photos of you and grant. how are things going with the new job and move back to slc?

our fam is

brooke romney said...

Agreed. DVR is the best invention of this century.