Monday, October 29, 2007

Reason #7 I Miss Manhattan (Part II)

The Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade. We serendipitously happened upon this last year and happily joined the melee. (Incidentally, we were strolling around the Pet Rat fellow). You mustmustmust watch the video to the end. Elton John was by far my favorite, though he doesn't get much play in the video. Just a small cameo that doesn't do him justice (he had on a hand made silk jacquard jacket, feather boa, and rose colored glasses).

Nothing beats a sunny day in the park, filled with people unabashedly parading their dogs around the ring.


angie said...

i wish i knew. you've made my day!

ali said...

You gotta admit that Ichabod Crane was pretty genius, too. I mean WHO comes up with this stuff? Whoever it is, my hat is off to them. Too funny.

Lane said...

I love it! I remember you talking about that Elton John for weeks. I loved that timid little lady-bug! And the Willy Nelson, though not literal, did oddly remind me of ol' Willie himself. Must be the frizzy, flowing locks.

Jen said...

My fav was Mr. T. Hilarious!