Friday, December 29, 2006

The Christmas of the Coat

This was a remarkable Christmas. Either I complained way too much about NY weather or when it comes to outerwear, I dress very poorly. Or maybe, I just told everyone I wanted the same thing!
I received 3 coats for Christmas this year. One sleeping bag coat, which literally makes me look like I'm wearing a sleeping bag and keeps me oh so warm from head to toe (it goes down to my ankles) I can barely believe it. One black and white tweed coat with the most adorable lining I have ever seen. Sometimes I wish I could wear it inside out. Or at least it was reversible, depending on my mood. And one camel colored dress coat which makes me feel very distinguished in an old lady sort of way.
Furthermore, when I came home for the holidays I filled an entire suitcase with all the outerwear I had left behind. So I had a total of about 10 coats to bring home. I feel like I got 10 new coats for Christmas! NY has made me love and appreciate outerwear more than I ever thought possible. Not that I needed much encouragement.


ali said...

10!!! You should have left five behind for me ... although I myself was the recipient of two new coats. So was Grant! And Lane! It WAS the Christmas of the coat. Curtis feels a little left out, but he's happy with his luggage.

jamieanne said...

I tried to get a coat for Curt (sounds like some charity..."Coats for Curtis") but you had hesitation. The one I had in mind is actually an exact replica of Grants new coat.
Don't forget Ashley and Corey...they get coats too!
This only leaves me wondering...what will the theme be for next Christmas?

ali said...

Europe? Louis Vuitton? Porsches?